
BigCommerce Modifications

Your #1 resource on modifying your BigCommerce store
09 March, 2012 BigCommerce API Example Using Python

The BigCommerce RESTful API makes it easy to integrate your applications with BigCommerce. Important store data such as orders, products, customers, categories, shipments and brands can be retrieved and modified…

08 March, 2012 BigCommerce SEO News: beware of Pinterest scams, Google's cat-mouse game and the need of coherent strategies

It's all the rage: BigCommerce SEO seems to be enhanced by using the Pinterest button, or so store owners think. Beyond the fact that Pinterest is all hype this new…

07 March, 2012 BigCommerce Modifications and Greasemonkey (part 1: installation)

Have you ever been in a situation where you were suppose to log in ten times a day into your BigCommerce store, inserting the username and the strong…

02 March, 2012 Bigcommerce SEO Done Right Using Simple Tips and Learning About Iframed Stores and Zombie Traffic

BigCommerce store owners get a ton of SEO news and tips with our newest weekly article. February 24th was the first Pandaversary, on 27th we got got news…

23 February, 2012 BigCommerce SEO: between myths, (not provided) keywords and a ton of tips

I guess everyone has heard of The Mythbusters. Well they exist even in the SEO world and each year they debunk old and useless tactics. Still, with every…

20 February, 2012 How to create a "Make an Offer" button for the product page in a BigCommerce store

Need this modification installed in your store? Then purchase our worry-free installation service for a flat rate.

By default, the BigCommerce templates display the product page…