
BigCommerce Modifications

Your #1 resource on modifying your BigCommerce store
12 August, 2014 How To Change The Title Text in Product Tabs

The tabs on the product page are useful in packing lots of information in a small space. The one drawback is that you cannot customize the tab titles from the control panel in case you want to display different types of information. For example, there is no way to change ...

11 August, 2014 How To Remove All Products From Cart

This article will show you how to remove all the products from your cart by clicking a button instead of manually deleting each product. Go to your control panel and navigate to the CartContent.html panel file ( Design -> Template files -> Panels -> CartContent.html ). Add the following code ...

07 August, 2014 Change the "Unable to ship to this location" error message

If you have a Bigcommerce store, you already know that part of the messages (especially the error messages are hard to change. The messages in the LNG variables can be easily modified, but others require customization. Have you ever searched for a way to change the "Unable to ship to ...

31 July, 2014 Add a View All Categories Link In Your Footer

Do you have a store with multiple categories? Are you using a template which shows the category list in the footer? Would you like to have there a specific number of categories followed by a "View All" link? Currently all the category links are displayed in the footer which can ...

28 July, 2014 Change Order of Payment Methods on the Checkout Page

Have you ever wondered how could you change the order of payment options on the checkout page ? Well, guess what, it's possible, and it is not too hard! I added three payment gateways, Bank Deposit, Cache on Delivery and Check. You can use your payment gateways, and as many ...

21 July, 2014 Change the Quantity Dropdown Numbers Based On Your Min/Max Purchase Values

You are probably aware that there is no feature to show the quantity drop down based on the minimum and maximum purchase values added for each product. T The values inside the drop down, can be edited, and that is possible by modifying the template files, the issue however, is ...