Last week we soft launched the list of BigCommerce Template Variables to our newsletter subscribers. Today we are rolling it out to the wider public so more BigCommerce designers, store owners and partners can make use of this great tool.
For those that might not know, we have put together a complete list of template variables including language variables, Javascript variables and global variables. This means you can now search for a specific variable to get useful information such as which panels / snippets use that variable.
Some fun facts about BigCommerce templates:
- Number of panels: 151
- Number of snippets: 224
- Number of variables (global, JS, language): 1552
Useful features:
- search for a variable such as GLOBAL_
- display HTML code for panels + snippets
- complete list of variables used in a panel / snippet
- ability to comment on each variable / snippet / panel
You can link directly to a specific variable as a reference. For example, let's say you want to send somebody a link that shows all of the details about the GLOBAL_SHopPath variable. This is how the URL would look like:
Link to a variable, named GLOBAL_ShopPath:
Link to a panel, named SideCategoryList:
Link to a snippet, named WishListItem:
Once again you can search for these variables here. If you have feedback, opinions, feature suggestions then just comment below. We would love to hear from you!