The BigCommerce Templates do not have merchant and industry logos, like Visa, by default so you need to add them manually. This post will show you how.
There are many requests to customize the templates and the design freedom is pretty large, given the fact that you have access to many templates that control the look and feel of your ecommerce store.
If you want to add the Visa logo to your BigCommerce store, you will need to follow these steps:
A. Download the logo image. Click here to see the image, right-click on it and save it on your computer.
B. Upload the image to your store.
1) Log in to your store's Control Panel.
2) Once you are in, click on Website Content -> Image Manager.
3) Click on Upload Images and upload the image you donwloaded at step A.
4) Click on View Full Size and copy the link that appears in the browser.
C. Insert the code in the template files. First you will need to decide where do you want the logo to shop up: if you place it in the footer, then it will show up on all the pages of your store.
1) Click on Design -> Browse Template Files
2) Choose Footer.html from the list
3) Place this code in that template file:
<img src="image_URL" style="width: 70px;"><br/>
by replacing image_URL with the link that you copied from the browser at step B.4
4) Click on Save
Here is a preview of the new footer:
You can also place the logo in the left side panel. To do this, go to Design -> Browse Template Files and make sure you are in default.html. Place the following code there, as shown in the image below:
<br/><br/><img src="image_URL" style="width: 70px; margin-left:55px;"><br/><br/>
by replacing image_URL with the link that you copied from the browser at step B.4
Don't forget to save the changes. Here is a preview of the left side panel after adding this code: