BigCommerce offers and easy way to communicate with the store via the API. Although it seems quite hard to work with the API in order to automate your tasks the videos done by Spring Merchants founder, Emilian, will guide you through the process.
BigCommerce API V2 is a great way to push and pull data to and from the stores. With enough efforts you can build your own app to take the workload from your shoulders.
Places to get help are: API Documentation, the API forum and Bigcommerce support.
And now, our videos will help ever further.
In the video above you can see how simple it is to obtain the BigCommerce API access details and how to gain access to it.
In order to get the API details you need to:
- Log into the store
- Go to Users
- Click Edit on your username
- Scroll down to Enable the API? and tick the option Yes, allow this user to use the API
- See the API Path - mine is:
- See the API Token - mine is : 50a9b6c2dfa7593d8c834f42cde433c8
In order to see the BigCommerce API and all the possible resources (options, orders, products and more) do the following:
- Open a new tab and copy the API Path and paste it in the browsers address bar - do NOT hit enter yet
- Copy the API Token
- Get back tot he tab with the API Path, hit enter and you will see a login screen
- Insert ADMIN for the username and paste the API Token in the PASSWORD field
- Hit OK and see the API resources unfolding
- Great. You have gained access to BigCommerce API.
Stay tuned for more API videos where you will learn that you do not need to be a programming guru to do basic API actions.