
BigCommerce Templates: How to highlight the active category

Tabita D. Published on 24 October, 2011

Instead of using the breadcrumbs you might find more interesting to highlight the name of the category that the customer is looking at. To do so just place the following script in Footer.html, taking into consideration these aspects:

1) If the categories are displayed in a simple list use this script:

Note: This will only work if you don't have more subcategories using the same name in your store. Otherwise, all the categories with the same name will be highlighted, not only the active one.

2) If the categories are displayed in a flyout menu use this one:

Click here to find the color codes in the HTML language - this way you will see the what fits your store better. Then you can replace the #aaa from the code with your own color code.

Feel free to test this script in your BigCommerce store and let me know if you found it useful.

Tabita D. Published on 24 October, 2011